According to the latest artificial intelligence news, there are striking similarities in the way computers and our brains register visual information. It turns out that our brains start detecting shapes by first recognizing fragments like shafts and bumps. And guess what? The artificial intelligence networks are trained to do exactly the same. So does this mean that we can expect computers to take over the world by 2025? Not necessarily. The important thing to remember is that the AI code is still written by humans. At the end of the day, AI is nothing but software that can be adjusted according to our needs.
Nowadays, there are a lot of opportunities to communicate with people in different parts of the world. But we don’t always understand each other. Of course there are modern translators, but they are also not always effective. But new developments in the field of AI give new successes in this direction. Now all that remains is to wait and guess what hello this so-called Lotto.
If we look at how artificial intelligence works in the gaming industry, we can see that it’s capable of customizing the game scenarios. The non-player characters do not have to follow only one set road anymore. Instead, they can make independent decisions and choose the best course of action in a specific situation. What’s more, in many first-person shooter games, the self-thinking enemies can group up and attack the player with a coordinated plan.
This adds a tremendous sense of reality to games. However, although the enemies have become smarter, their capabilities are still limited to what the programmers come up with. And providing fast-moving gameplay is every developer’s main priority. The same goes for cool online games. AI can be used to make the gaming experience as close to real-life as possible. But AI elements will not be developed so far that they would start to interfere with the joy of gaming.
Keeping all that in mind, most experts still believe that artificial intelligence will become a major part of people’s everyday lives in the coming decade. So let’s take a closer look at how artificial intelligence might realistically work in the year 2025.
Artificial Intelligence in the Year 2020 Is Already All Around Us
You’ve probably noticed that smart solutions have not only found their way to manufacturing processes by now. They’re also helping us in our everyday activities. Algorithms behind accurate Netflix recommendations, smart security cameras with biometric capabilities, and robot vacuum cleaners are all examples of AI at work in 2020.
What’s more, AI is also revolutionizing the workplace. In the next five years, the offices will be equipped with robots ensuring our safety, reducing the noise, and helping with data-related tasks. Machine learning (a subfield of AI) is already widely deployed by many businesses to make accurate predictions about customer behavior after analyzing a huge amount of data.
The Future of the Internet
We’ve all started to use more artificial intelligence as Covid-19 swept the globe. Here’s how: internet-based services like food delivery or telehealth are all using machine learning solutions to increase customer satisfaction. We are not merely ordering tor gaining general information from the internet. We are communicating with the internet via artificial intelligence. A food delivery website, for example, can offer you recommendations on what to get, which new recipes to try out, etc.
And ever since Google came out with the voice search function, communication with the computer is increasingly often done via talking. In 2025, we might have full conversations with the search engine, thanks to the natural language processing systems.
Self-Driving Vehicles
A robotic car can sense its surroundings and drive safely without a human driver. Many subway lines are already robot-controlled, and some Hospitals in China have even used autonomous vehicles to deliver masks and food to personnel and patients. It helped to reduce the physical contacts between people and minimized the further spread of COVID-19.
By 2025 we can have a situation where no one would need a personal car. A car using driverless technology could just be ordered via an app to get to the next stop.
What the New Technologies Will Look Like?
Popular culture has often painted us a picture of monstrous artificial intelligence, meaning that films like The Terminator or Transformers, have shown us dangerous AI-powered killing robots as antagonists. The reality is very far from it. The new technologies will be integrated so entirely into our surroundings that they stay completely invisible. The devices may have extremely complex workings, but outwardly, they will look as simple as possible. If we look at artificial intelligence’s history, then we can see that the first intelligent machines like SNARC from 1951 looked quite intimidating. But just like with all new technology, the solutions are moving towards integration and “invisibility.”
Autonomous code, vehicles, devices, and even the internet are already an integral part of our everyday lives. By 2025 we can expect the machines only to get smarter and continue to handle our everyday tasks even more efficiently. But that doesn’t mean that we will be surrounded by noisy intruding robots. No. Artificial intelligence in future devices will be so well hidden that we will barely notice it. So are you ready to let artificial intelligence to make your life easier and even take you on a ride?
How do you think artificial intelligence will shape our future? What everyday chores could be handled by robots by 2025? Let us know your opinion in the comments section.
Author’s Bio:
Ellen Royce is an experienced marketer, copywriter, and entrepreneur. Having started several small businesses online, she knows the importance of effective content marketing in building companies.