Chakravartin Ashoka Samrat 13th July 2016: Kaurvaki was unconscious. Ashoka apologized to her. He said due to him she got very much pain. Devi shocked to Saw Ashoka. She asked him if she knew about Kaurvaki. Why he did not tell her. Ashoka said to Devi that he did not want to stay in limitations. He said he did not want lost his loved ones.
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He also said that whoever came in his life would get much pain due to him. He said that his mother lived away from her husband only because of him and his brother Drupad went away from him. He said he did not want that Kaurvaki faced any trouble only for him. He said he did not saw Kaurvaki in the pain.
Devi said to him that Kaurvaki could not live without him and he loved from 10 years. Kaurvaki took Ashoka’s name in her unconsciousness. Devi sat there. Ashoka called Kaurvaki and she again became unconscious.

Charu went to Bindu’s room. He said he also wanted to meet with her. She did massage in his head. He said to her that she should control on Suhsim’s anger. She tried to hug him but he said he was very tired and wanted to do rest. She got angry and said how he insulted her like this.
Chakravartin Ashoka Samrat 13th July 2016 Written Updates
She said she was also his wife and why he did not spend his time with her. He said to her that she was taking wrong. He said he had a place in his heart for her also. Ashoka knocked the door and asked for her mother. Charu said to Ashoka that he should go to his mother’s room.
Bindu said he would go and find her. Charu got angry. Ashoka took Dharma in Kaurvaki’s room to saw her. Dharma saw Kaurvaki and asked how it happened. Devi said to Dharma that she did not eat anything and she feels down from the stairs of the temple.
Dharma said to Ashoka to take medicinal herbs from her room. She tried to eat it to Kaurvaki but failed. Ashoka got teary eyed and went out of the room. Dharma came inside and Ashoka asked her if she would get fine. Dharma said he should stay with her and she went to take some more medicines.
Devi said to Ashoka that he would take care of her now. He said he could not do it. He said Kaurvaki got pain only because of him and he did not want to give her more pain. Devi said that God joined her with him and she could not live without him. She said she would wait outside and he would look after her now.
Will Dharma know the truth of Kaurvaki?