Diya Aur Baati Hum 10th June 2016: Massa said in this game when a wife would give the wrong answer then husband would eat a chilli for each wrong answer. Sandhya sends a message to Sooraj and said him that she would give all answer right so he would not need to eat chilli. Massa called Bhabo for asking the first question.
Check: Saath Nibhana Saathiya.
Massa asked to Bhabo which was favourite Heroine of Arun. Bhabo said Mumtaz. All were clapping. Massa asked 2nd question. Massa asked to Bhabo that for whom Arun went to Pan’s Dukan. Bhabo became angry so she did not give answer so Babasa eat one Chilli.
Massa said Arun went to Pan’s shop to see Bhabo as she was on roof at that time. Babasa said he would never go to pan shop again. Massa said now it was Emily and Om’s turn. Massa asked to Emily that which thing cried Om at once. Emily said after seeing chilli Om started to cry. All clapped.

Massa asked to Emily 2nd question. Massa asked to Emily that which number shirt Om had worn in college day. Emily said 40 number shirt. All were shocked and asked her how she knew that. Emily said she saw Om’s college picture.
Diya Aur Baati Hum 10th June 2016 Written Updates
Massa called Arzoo and Chotu. Massa asked to Arzoo about Chotu’s funny habit in his childhood. Sooraj reminded that Chotu opened mouth while sleeping. Arzoo gave an answer to Massa that Chotu opened mouth while sleeping. Massa said right answer.
Massa asked to Arzoo when was Diwali festival celebrated according to the hindu calendar. Chotu said to Massa to ask a question related to Pakistan. Arzoo said no she would give an answer. Arzoo said Diwali was celebrated on Kartik mass’s Amavasya.
Now it was Meena and Vikram’s turn. Massa asked Meena that whose photo Vikram kept in his wallet. Meena said that Vikram kept her photo in the wallet. Massa said to Vikram to show her wallet. Vikram showed the wallet in which Meena’s photo was there.
Massa took the wallet and showed another photo from the wallet. Meena became angry. Vikram eats 1 chilli. Massa asked Meena that if 1 plate of Gol gappa costs 25 rupees then what would be the cost of 2 plates of them.

Meena said that one plate of Gol gappa was free with one plate so 25 rupee was the right to answer. Massa said that answer was wrong but according to Meena the answer was right. Massa called Sandhya and Sooraj next. Massa asked all members to compare Sooraj and Sandhya with Diya and batti then who was diya and who was baati.
Meena said Sooraj was baati and Sandhya was Diya. Massa asked Sandhya about Sooraj’s favourite sweet. Sandhya said its bhalu syahi. Massa said right answer. Massa asked Sandhya about the components of Bhalu shayi. Sandhya said two components are Bhalu and Syahi.
Sooraj started laughing. Massa said to Sooraj to stop laughing and eat chilli. Sooraj eats chilli. Massa asked Sandhya how many numbers of buttons on Sooraj’s shirt. Sandhya gave the wrong answer again. Sooraj ate one chilli again.
Will Sandhya give any answer right?