Diya Aur Baati Hum 11th May 2016: Dakshak snake attacks on Sandhya’s family

Diya Aur Baati Hum 11th May 2016: Sooraj pulled Sandhya and saved her. The tree branch fell down. All become shocked to see this. Meenakshi said that it would be a sign of devi  Mukeshwari  that they should not go from there. But Sooraj called it as an accident.

Check: Tashan-e-Ishq.

They went ahead. They all sat in the car. Dakshak snake attacked their car. They become shocked to see the snake on their car. Binny said to all to go down the car. Sandhya took her gun and said she would shoot snake if it tried to attack them.

Meenakshi started screaming as snake broke the mirror of the car. They come out from the car. Binny said to Sandhya that if she tried to kill the snake of Devi then the villagers would kill her.  Meenakshi comes out ved from the car. Ved came there and the snake went away.

Diya Aur Baati Hum 11th May 2016
Diya Aur Baati Hum 11th May 2016

Piya said to Chotu that she was going away from his life. She tried to take sleeping pills. But Chotu stopped her. Chotu said that lovers always live and die together and their love is immortal. Chotu said to her that they would die together.

Diya Aur Baati Hum 11th May 2016 Written Updates

Arzoo, Vikram, and Babasa came there. Piya thought that Chotu was serious to die. She stopped him and said that she acted all that to impress him. She did not want to die. She had done this to impress him. At this Chotu said that her love was fake.

She did not the meaning of love. Arzoo said to Piya that anyone could make girlfriend but it was always hard to support husband and family as a wife. Chotu said that Arzoo was her best choice in his life. Arzoo smiled on it.

Binny said that snake had gone away after seeing ved. Bhabho and Meenakshi said to Sandhya to accept the truth. They would not go from there as Devi Mukeshwari wanted that Ved should stay there till the festival. Bhabho said that she had decided to stay there till Mata’s festival.

Diya Aur Baati Hum 11th May 2016
Diya Aur Baati Hum 11th May 2016

Emily thought what Massa was hiding from her.  The man at phone said to her that he had spread spray to their house and he had forgotten his mobile phone there. So he gave his number to him to track that and to inform him. Emily thought that Why Massa did not tell her about that. Massa stopped her from tracking the phone and secretly locked her into a room.

Emily thought that there was no body in the house then who had knocked her there. Massa got the phone by hearing ringing and saw a photo of OM,Purvi, and Sparsh. She switched off the phone. She said that she would not reveal the secret that Purvi is alive to Emily.  

Sandhya heard the sound of Ved and followed the sound. She became shocked to see that Ved was stuck in a net trap.

Will Sandhya save Ved?

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Amit Sharma
I'm an entertainment lover, traveler and loves to read and write on latest news and stories across the globe. I've 6 years of journalism experience and currently settled with The Courier Daily (TCD) as a full time journalist and content writer.


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