Game of Thrones Season 6 Episode 8: In the upcoming stream of the series “Game of Thrones” episode titled “No One” more drama and action will be featured at the siege of Riverrun and a long-promised confrontation in the King’s Landing.
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The official synopsis of the show reads: Jamie weighs his options, whereas Cersei answers a request. Arya faces a new test whereas Tyrion’s plan might bear some fruit.
Cersei will finally confront to violence in episode 8. Now whether the violence will be hammered directly and brutally at Lancel, will be known only when the show goes live. Her cousin/former lover /enemy is much likely jeopardising his life by trying to take on Cersei and Mountain.
Here, Tyrion and Varys who were missing from the last couple of weeks can be seen lingering in the streets of Meereen, looking stable and calm. Everything being so calm and serene clearly points to some nightmare about to happen at the place.

A much awaiting moment of seeing Brienne in action is over. A Lannister flag behind her suggests that she has already arrived at Riverrun and a strained joining with Jamie Lannister is overdue. With Brienne and Pod at the Riverrun, the longing of the fans to see the meet of Jamie and Brienne might end.
Game of Thrones Season 6 Episode 8
With the tombstone backup on her side i.e. The Mountain and Qyburn, Cersei look to be approaching towards the throne. The marks on the Mountain’s armour suggest a small wrangling between the forces before this.
Here in Meereen, Missandei looks a bit serious regarding the people and the city. Tyrion after making a pale deal with the Wise Masters in the previous episodes. But at there was a mismatch between what the Masters knew and what Tyrion told them, this raised the probability of Meereen being attacked by the Wise Masters of Yunkai and Astapor before the return of Daenerys along with her new Dothraki horde, thus avoiding any articulation with the Dothraki men.
Here in Theon is on his way to join the Dragon Queen and her army of Unsullied. Maybe being among the similar ones may bring Theon some good times. At least he will find some rank or respectable position in the file of Unsullied.
The season introduced another new red priestess on the scene portrayed by Melanie Liburd. Previously, the High Priestess Kinvara agreed to send some more of her believers to deliver the sermon for Daenerys.

Tyrion and Varys come across a scenario where through the square where the Priestess is preaching. Tyrion seemed somewhat uncomfortable and unsettled due to the followers of R’hllor , Kinvara, the Red priest and the Volantis.
After Waif’s attempt for Arya’s life in the last episode, she doesn’t seem thug or confidant anymore. Also after Arya leaves in the company of Waif for Westeros, will she be still on the Faceless Men’s hit list or will Jaquen H’ghar forgive her!!
Another theory that is steaming up is the return of the dead characters. It is boldly assumed that Syrio Forel is dead, but what if he is brought back too like the Benjen Stark and The Hound. A theory that can be calculated is that the water dancer might return from the array of dead or what if he is not dead at all. His killing was never ever pictured in the show.
A pale theory says him to be Jaqen H’ghar or indeed, Jaqen H’ghar might be him which also explains the fact of him being so lenient to Arya Stark giving her so many chances. However, this is a frog leap in the prediction of what might pop in the episode “No One” of GoT.