Siya Ke Ram 22nd January 2016: Ram broke the Shiva Dhanush and kept it back on the platform, kings started questioning the fact that Ram was to put the Pratyancha (bow-string) and not break the Dhanush. “Swayamvar ki garima ka maan nahi rakha”- they said. Laxman lost his calm, took out the arrow and said they deserve to be punished, they could not speak such demeaning words in respect of Ram.
Janak takes over by calming all, he tells that for everything that Raghuvanshi’s do there is a reason behind, he asks Ram to tell the reason behind breaking the Dhanush. ‘Respectful Janak, i Ram apologise for breaking the law of the swayamvar. He said i dont know that how i ended up breaking the Dhanush, but looking at Sabha, all kings started considering your daughter an award and took this swayamvar as a battle. You were questioned on your dignity and your daughters dignity as well and for this mindset to come down this dhanush needed to be broken. he talked about the equality between the relations. No father in the world would want his daughter to be treated like this’.
A king questions Janak if he accepts Ram’s act and declare him the winner before Janak could speak Ram begs, Janak that whatever Janak’s decision be it should have Sita’s acceptance too. “Sita is not bound to marry me, it is her decision”- he said, Janak responded he is happy to listen to this all, and he was searching for right mate for Sita, only that person could put the bow-string who is free of greed, anger, disparity, in fact, Shri Ram is the right ‘Var’ for my daughter Sita. The aim of the swayamvar has finally been attained.
Siya Ke Ram 22nd January 2016
Janak asks Sita for her verdict, to which she responds that she is glad that there is a person who respects women and considers them just more than a commodity, accepting Ram as her husband will be her fortune, she said.
With permission of Maharishi Yagyavalkya and Vishwamitra, Janak did the proceedings of the Swayamvar, Sita put Varnamala on to Ram. The two were showered with flowers and blessings.
Marriage should be done to the soonest on the right Mahurat, Janak said, Ram said that as per the rules of Swayamvar he has accepted the Varnmala, but any important step in life needs, acceptance of elders, he requested that he parents be informed of this swayamvar. Janak agrees to the same.

“your faith has become your destiny”, now there would be no trouble in your marriage,” Mandavi told Sita.meanwhile, Prashuram, full of anger enters saying who has disrespected my lord Shiva, by breaking the Dhanush”.
Tomorrow we will see how Ram wins over Parshuram.