Siya Ke Ram 3 December 2015
Sita and Urmila are out in the jungle in search of their cousins Mandavi and Shrutkirti who have left the house as they do not want to leave Mithila. Sita failing to look for her sisters get a positive sign after a deer, hints them to follow it.
Kaushalya along with 4 brothers reaches the Ashram where Shanta lives with her husband. Kaushalya seats on a rock in front of Shanta’s ashram as she is sinking thinking about facing her daughter, Ram realizes her difficulty hence the 4 brothers proceed to the entry. after a call a beautiful woman comes out .on seeing her all 4 brothers are in glee while unaware Shanta asks them who they were, Ram asks water for their mother. Shanta takes water to her, finding out that it was her mother Kaushalya. Both become numb in happiness and hug each other after years of separation.

Siya Ke Ram 3 December 2015
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kaushalya complaints that when she came for the ‘Yagya’ to Ayodhya she behaved so indifferent, but Shanta replies that had she looked at any of them, they would have all broken down but in relaity she has not forgotten anyone and informs Kaushalya that she is loved and respected hence is happily married.
Shanta says as a ‘child’ she tried to fulfill her responsibilties. she left to see her father happy hence, she was never angry them. After marrying a ‘Rishi’, she has understood the cause for all the pain in this world and she was trying to free herself from all the desires and attachments.

Through the Deer, Sita could reach her sisters who hide in a cave and were crying as they did not want to go away to Sankasya leaving them. Sita tells them running away is not the solutions. hence take them back saying for one last time they should make their request to their parents and if they do not agree, children it’s their responsibility to listen to their parents.
Shanta goes to each of the brother identifying them from their mothers name through the similarities they shared with them. All brothers seek blessings from her.
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Kaushalya informs Shanta that it was Ram’s effort as he persued Dasharatha to allow them to meet her, but Dasharatha couldn’t come as he was still in the guilt of loosing upon his daughter desiring for sons. she asks them all, to swear upon her sacrifice and not let it go wasted by always respecting and following parent’s commands.
Kaushalya asks her to introduce her brothers to her husband while she refuses that he was in ‘Dhyana’.
Kushaldhwaj is seeking blessings from Janak to leave to Sankaysa. He allowed Kushaldhwaj and Chandrabhaga to leave saying their daughters Mandavi and Shrutkirti will stay in Mithila. the decision leaves Chandrabhaga scandelized.
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