Tashan-e-Ishq 14th June 2016: Doctor tells to family that Twinkle is pregnant

Tashan-e-Ishq 14th June 2016: Bride and Groom came. Twinkle said now they were going to start their new life, they are so lucky as they got a friend in their life partner. Yuvi said Twinkle say right, they were so lucky. They exchange their rings. Twinkle said that she took Jennie and do ready her for marriage.

Check: Saath Nibhana Saathiya.

Doctor checked up Kunj. Pallavi said thank you for doctoring as he came here for Kunj’s check up. Pallavi said to Doctor that Kunj wanted to go home in Amritsar. Doctor said all the facility was available there. Pallavi said then she would shift Kunj to Amritsar.

Palvi thought that if Kunj went to Amritsar then it would be good for him. Twinkle was preparing Jennie. Yuvi saw her and said that he know how she feels now. Yuvi did a prank with Twinkle to feel her happy. Anita was in jail. Surjeet came to meet her. She was happy to see him.

Tashan-e-Ishq 14th June 2016
Tashan-e-Ishq 14th June 2016

She asked him where her bail paper was. Surjeet said that Yuvi refused to take her case back. Anita shocked to know this. Jennie and Yash wore varmala to each other. Yuvi got a call and he became tensed to know that dancer would not come for performance.

Tashan-e-Ishq 14th June 2016 Written Updates

Twinkle said what happened now. Yuvi said he would do something. Yuvi gave a dance performance. All were happy to see him. Manohar said Yuvi saved them. Leela said how a man could change so much. Jennie’s parents said thanked Twinkle and Leela and gave Manohar to 1 crore.

Manohar called to Verma and told him that he completed his challenge. Manohar said thanks to Yuvi. Twinkle said that she always thought wrong about Yuvi. Anita said to a police lady that she wanted to do one call on her phone and she would give her 10000 for that.

The lady gave her phone. Anita called to Yuvi. Yuvi picks up the phone. Anita said to Yuvi that she missed her so much. Yuvi said he was died for her and cut the phone. Yuvi was drinking water. Twinkle came to meet her. Yuvi asked now what he did. Twinkle said he did right.

Tashan-e-Ishq 14th June 2016

Twinkle said thanks to Yuvi. Yuvi said why she said thanks. Twinkle said that he helped her in this marriage and her family was happy due to him. Twinkle became unconscious. Doctor checked up her and said to all family member that Twinkle was two months pregnant.

All was very happy to know this. Doctor left from there. Usha said she would become the grandmother. Twinkle became conscious and asked what happen to her. Usha said thank you to Twinkle as she gave her Kunj back. Twinkle shocked. Leela told her that she was two months pregnant. Twinkle became happy to know that.

How would this news affect Twinkle’s life?

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Amit Sharma
I'm an entertainment lover, traveler and loves to read and write on latest news and stories across the globe. I've 6 years of journalism experience and currently settled with The Courier Daily (TCD) as a full time journalist and content writer.


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