Tashan-e-Ishq 9th June 2016: Yuvi meets an accident and Anita sees the dead body of Yuvi

Tashan-e-Ishq 9th June 2016: Usha asked about Yuvi to Twinkle and said if he is with her at her college. She said that Yuvi was not with her. Usha said that her friend’s daughter had told her that he was with her. Leela said to her that she was misunderstanding her daughter. Usha said that she was right.

Check: Kumkum Bhagya.

She said that she would not allow her to disrespect their house. If she would meet to Yuvi again then she would not allow her to enter in their house. Yuvi came there. He said to Usha that Twinkle had not done anything wrong. He knew that she hated him and did not want to see his face but please try to hear him and believe him.

He said that he had seen the girls muttering in the college and he knew that they would call to her and tell her about Twinkle and him. But she should trust on her daughter in law. He said she should proud on Twinkle as she fought with two boys for the respect of Kunj.

Tashan-e-Ishq 9th June 2016
Tashan-e-Ishq 9th June 2016

He was just passing from there and helped a little of her. There was no fault of Twinkle in that. He said to Usha to forgive him. Usha started weeping. Yuvi saw a stick and gave it to Usha and said to her to beat him for his deeds. Earlier he had tried to harm Twinkle, Kunj, and his family.  

Tashan-e-Ishq 9th June 2016 Written Updates

So he deserved to be beaten. Usha took the stick from him and started beating Yuvi. Yuvi said to her to keep away anger. Her stick broke down. Usha again started weeping and said to him that he had killed her Kunj. Yuvi said to believe in him as he had changed now. He was not old Yuvi now.

He said that he would find her mom and punish her for her deeds. Usha left from there. Yuvi also left from there. Pallavi came to Kunj and said to him that they were going to do his surgery. Then he would become able to meet with his Twinkle. On the other side, Twinkle saw Kunj’s things and remembered him.

Leela said to twinkle that she knew that she wanted to do justice with Kunj, but why she was running to find Anita. If her family was against her then why she was helping Yuvi or was taking help from Yuvi. She said that she should not hurt her family for Yuvi. Twinkle hugged to her.

Tashan-e-Ishq 9th June 2016
Tashan-e-Ishq 9th June 2016

Twinkle saw injured Yuvi cooking food. She tried to help him but he refused to take help of her. Twinkle left from there. Yuvi got a call and said that he would come to meet him. He started leaving from there on the bike. He had a stroke with Twinkle’s car.

Twinkle’s face covered with mud. Yuvi laughed on her. Twinkle left from there. Yuvi again started the bike. He was on the way, suddenly his bike stroke with a car and fell on the road. A man came to Anita and said to her that Yuvi got accident and he was dead. Anita started crying. She left from there to see him.

Anita came to the hospital in a burqa to see Yuvi. She saw police there; she covered her face and entered into a room. She saw the dead body of Yuvi and started crying.    

Is it Yuvi’s plan to catch his mother?

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Amit Sharma
I'm an entertainment lover, traveler and loves to read and write on latest news and stories across the globe. I've 6 years of journalism experience and currently settled with The Courier Daily (TCD) as a full time journalist and content writer.


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