Twitter 140-Character Limit May Be Changed to 10,000 Characters

#beyond140 – Twitter May Increase Characters To Post Tweets: Twitter Inc. is working on a new feature that will provide its users a new feature to post the tweet to a new limit of 10,000 characters leaving past its conventional 140-character long tweets, according to reports.

The possible expansion will allow the users to post a tweet of more than 1,000 words including the spaces, all the punctuation marks which are not so common in the present 14-character set tweet.

The micro-blogging giant is planning to launch its new feature by the end of first quarter in 2016. however no date has been finalised yet, the report further added.

Apparently, no date has been finalised yet, the report further added.

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Twitter 140-Character Limit of Tweets May Be Increased to 10,000 Soon

Twitter May Expand Its Tweet Limit From 140-Character to 10,000 Characters
Twitter May Expand Its Tweet Limit From 140-Character to 10,000 Characters

However, the final limit of characters may also fluctuate before the final product arrives, hence, people and engineers inside Twitter are referring it as #Beyond140.

The buzz in the tech market was also that Twitter was working on such kind of product from last September but no engineer from Twitter declined to comment anything on that. But as of now, the latest news is from close sources.

In the new product, the tests are being done on the same version in which the tweets appear the same way as they do now, but by clicking on the tweet, more content of the tweet will be revealed.

The primary challenge among Twitter engineers is that to keep the timeline in same design as it is at present, making design aspect the key. In the past, by increasing the content and adding large pictures, user engagement was decreased in the past, according to sources.

Jack Dorsey, co-founder, Twitter posted a series of tweets and did not mentioned anywhere that they are looking to expand the character limit but diplomatically he called it a “beautiful constraint”. He also said that the company has seen more people sharing screenshots of text that was beyond 140 character set.

Twitter is experimenting under Dorsey to keep the service more engaging.

In the past year, Twitter felt increasing pressure to boost user growth and ad revenue. It faced the slowest user growth in the year 2015. Twitter is currently having 300 million users and was surpassed by photo sharing service, Instagram, which is apparently owned by Facebook Inc, which passed 400 million users last year.

It is also the news that people are expressing their views on expanding the character set for tweets by using the hashtag #beyond140.

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