Siya ke Ram 23 November 2015- Sita meets Gautam Rishi

Siya ke Ram 23 November 2015- Sita meets Gautam Rishi

The show initiated with Sita and her sisters going to their father lord Janak to ask for permission to go to the jungle to collect the cows. While Lord Janak permits them to do so, Sunayana- her mother, uneased over the decision. she was consoled by Janak, saying there is nothing bad as this would bring them an experience and every experience helps one learn something new in life.


Siya kay Ram, 23 November 2015, Sita, Gautam Rishi
Sita wth her sister in the Jungle searching cows

When next day, the girls leave for the jungle, the king sends two horsemen guards to look after the girls at a distance, which relieves Sunayana.

Little Sita (who emerged from the soil) is seen using her skills by kneeling down and connecting to the direction of the sound of the cows.The girls successfully reach the herd of cows, being very happy one of them finds refined breed of cows, but get a little scared going to that direction as it was deeper in the jungle and led to a scary cottage (Ashram).

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Siya kay Ram, 23 November 2015, Sita, Gautam Rishi
Siya ke Ram 23 November 2015- Sita meets Gautam Rishi

Siya ke Ram 23 November 2015- Sita meets Gautam Rishi

While, little Shrutkirti to prove her courage runs towards the cows other girls follow her, but are eventually stopped by a sound of a saint, who prevents them from going further as it was cursed. curious Sita tells him nothing is cursed on this planet, to which he reverts that this jungle has, Gautam Rish’s wife “Ahilya” – a banished and cursed woman.

meanwhile, the two guards arrive and asks the girls to go to the palace, while other girls are irked that their father sent the guards, Sita explains that their father would have sent them for some reason.


Little girls Proudly return and  inform their mother that they brought all the cows from the jungle but on a conversation over  Ahilya, shocks her. Sita is urging her mother to answer when she is told that he cursed her out of anger, she is cut by their Father: who tells her that Maharishi Gautam has been waiting for her for a very long and wants to meet her.

on this response Sita innocently asks him,’ why did he curse his wife in anger?’.

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Dazzled Maharishi leaves the place, trembling Janak asks for forgiveness, while Maharishi responds that kids are pure and honest and he is sad that he could not explain Sita that sometimes people do make mistakes, that even while swearing on Ahilya, he was realizing his mistake, because he could  not take that curse back, from the woman whose love ruled his life, he told her that this malediction would be undone one day one pure soul will reach her ashram, who would listen to her story and when he would touch her she will be freed of that curse

with Sita overhearing the same the show Siya ke Ram came to episode end.

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