Chakravartin Ashoka Samrat 16th March 2016: Both Sushim and Ashoka start the competition. They give 3 arrows to each. In first turn, Sushim misses his bulls eye. But in other two shoots, he hits his target. Ashoka hits his target in the first turn. Then Sushim changes the arrow of Ashoka.
Check: Siya Ke Ram

Indarjeet is hide behind the tree. Sushim signals him for wait. Ashoka picks up last arrow. Sushim signals Indarjeet to ready. Helena comes to talk with Bindu and says she wants to go for meet with his father.Bindu says that you need not to take permission for this.He makes arrangement for it.
Drupad says his father that he is Nanha Samraat for today.Ashoka shoots the arrow and that arrow hits the wall but Indarjeet shoots the arrow and that hits Drupad. Everyone becomes shocked to see this.
Bindu ordered for Rajvaid. Sushim thinks how it can happen? Drupad is in pain now everyone gathered there.Charu thinks to use this moment against Ashoka.
Chakravartin Ashoka Samrat 16th March 2016 Written Updates
Dharma is in a room then Charu comes and says to her that Drupad is hited by Ashoka. She run out to see Drupad.
She cries to see him. Ashoka comes near Drupad but Sushim wants to stop him. He says stop this acting you are responsible for it but Ashoka says he dont do it intentionally. Ashoka holds Drupad and say sorry to him. Drupad falls down his hand and close his eyes.Shubrasi looks shocked to him and says Ashoka to keep away from him.
Also Read: Kumkum Bhagya.
Charu blames Ashoka for killing Drupad.Shubrasi also blamed him and says he will never found success in his life.Ashoka says it was an accident but Shushim says actually he wants to hit Samarat today but it is the fate of Drupad that he is killed.
He looks to his father and says he want justice for Drupad. Shubhrasi also say this. Siamak says Drupad had saved the life of Samraat. He wants justice. Then samraat calls a meeting in rajdarbar.
Mahamatya starts the issue of meeting. Ashoka says everything is false. Sushim says Ashoka has changed the direction for killing Samraat. Radha gupta says it may be possible that the arrow is not of Ashoka but Mahamatya confirms it.
Radha gupta sasys maybe someone else shoot this arrow but Sushim says no one was there at that time. He says Kaurvaki is eye witness for that. Bindu asks her is he right? Kaurvaki says she knows Ashoka very well . He can not do it but there was no one there at that time.Bindu says every evidence is against for Ashoka and he will announce his punishment after the last rites of his son Drupad.