Chakravartin Ashoka Samrat 28th July 2016: Ashoka said that he would find Hallena and would present her in Raj Shabha until there would be no Jashan or marriage in Raj Bhavan. Siamak and Sushim got feared. Devi said to Kaurvaki that after many years, her love accepted him but she was blamed for the death of Nayak.
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Kaurvaki said that she would never mind it. She said that she would prayer that Ashoka would find the culprit of the death of Nayak. Ashoka said to his soldiers to search in all directions. He said to them to keep an eye on everyone, especially on Unanis.
He said that Rajmaata was old so she would need some medicines. So they had to keep an eye on them. Hallena said to Sushim that Ashoka was eagerly searching her. So they had to be careful. She said that she had called to Unani for her security. Sushim said to her not to worry.

He said that Ashoka could never find her at this place. He said that Ashoka could never imagine this place. Radha Gupta said that no one saw Rajmaata. Ashoka said that how it could be possible. Ashoka remembered a place where Hallena could be found.
Chakravartin Ashoka Samrat 28th July 2016 Written Updates
He came to that place with Radha Gupta and soldiers. Sushim said that they should leave from there now as it could be dangerous. They left from there. So Ashoka could not find them and came back to Raj Bhavan.
Ashoka’s soldiers saw a Unani lady. They followed her. They tried to arrest her but she said that they had no need to arrest her as she was ready to go to Ashoka. Ashoka was thinking that where could Hallena go. He said that Hallena might be near Patlipitra. Ashoka saw the Unani lady there.
She said to Ashoka that she would help him to find Hallena and in return he had to fight with her enemy. Ashoka said that how he could believe on a unani. She said that he had no other option to find Hallena. She said that Hallena was old. If she died how he would take revenge if Hallena died herself.
Ashoka said that Siamak would doubt on him if he would see him with her. Ashoka said that he could never believe in her. But Kaurvaki came there and said to Ashoka to believe on that Unani lady. She said that she had come there by putting her life in danger. So she should believe on her.
Will Ashoka believe on Unani lady to find Hallena?