Chakravartin Ashoka Samrat 31st March 2016: In the courtroom, everyone gathered there. Sushim said why Nicator’s messengers had come here. He said Rajamata was arrested and it may be the reason of him to come here. Siamak said how Nicator had known about Rajmata.
Check: Diya Aur Baati Hum.

He said it was a big secret. The messenger came there and told to Bindu that Nicator wanted to meet with him and allowed some of his soldiers to come inside the palace. Bindu allowed meeting with Nicator.
Chakravartin Ashoka Samrat 31st March 2016 Written Updates
Charu said it might be possible that Ashoka had sent message to Nicator about Rajmata. Dharma said why Ashoka would do that? Bindu said to remain calm to everyone. He said if Nicator wanted to take revenge to him then he would come with his grand army and instead of all this we should welcome him.
Maharaj Jagannath told Ashoka that it is not easy to fight with his brother kevalnath. He said he had a grand army. He said to Ashoka that only a person which had gone inside the palace can help them to enter into the palace.
Nicator said that they would attack on the Magadh from inside and Siamak could help them. He said they would surely gain victory on Magadh.
Ashoka asked to Jagannath that was there someone which helped the kevalnath in war? Kaurvaki said only Takshak which helped him. She said he had a grand army. Ashoka said he would play holi with Takshak.
Jagannath said to Ashoka that he could not underestimate the power of him. He also said that no one could win from him. He said they should drop their idea to fight with Takshak. Ashoka said that they should not lose hope now. He said they will attack from inside.
Kevalnath thought that if anyone would try to go against him then he would be killed by Takshak. He said Takshak is never defeated from anyone.
Nicator reached in courtroom and met with Bindu. He hugs him and welcomed him. Nicator said he was happy to come there and wanted to celebrate holi with them. He asked about Helena. He asked also about Ashoka, Shubrasi and Drupad. Siamak told him everything about Helena. He acted to become shocked. He said Helena could not do that. Siamak said she had accepted her crime.
Ashoka saw Takshak’s palace. A river was there to reach at that palace. Jagannath told him that they could not go there because many crocodiles were present in that. He said they know only Takshak’s word and came out of the river with his whistle. Ashoka said they could not go back now. They would do their work.
Nicator said that how she could do this? He folded his hands in front of Bindu. Bindu stopped him to do this. Nicator asked to meet with her.
Ashoka asked to Jagannath, had Takshak any weakness? Jagannath told him that Takshak used to drink alcohol every night before to sleep. Ashoka said alcohol would take him towards his defeat.
Will Ashoka gain victory on Takshshila?