Happy Eid-ul-Fitr 2020 Images with Eid Mubarak Quotes, Wishes, Eid-al-Fitr Greetings, Messages Whatsapp Status

Happy Eid-ul-Fitr 2020: Images with Quotes, Wishes, Eid-al-Fitr Greetings, Messages, Whatsapp Status

Happy Eid ul Fitr 2020 Images: the festival of Breaking the Fast has arrived. Though, the date might differ for various regions across the globe as it depends upon the sighting of the moon. The day is observed as the end of the holy month of Ramzan. (share: Eid Mubarak Image.)

Yes, this day is also a part of the Ramadhan. In India, as per the source, the Eid-ul-Fitr will begin on the evening of 23rd May 2020 and ends with the evening of May 24th, 2020. Are you excited for the celebration? (check: Alvida Jumma Mubarak Wishes.)

Well, you should be as now, most of the work and business are operational in India. So, one of the most important festivals will bring more joy and happiness to human beings. If you are in the United States then only the time zone differs, the date is same for breaking the fast. (Also read: Eid ul Fitr Mubarak Wishes.)

Happy Eid ul Fitr 2020 Images: Eid Mubarak Wallpapers, Eid al Fitr Pictures Photos Pics Cards

This festival is one of the biggest holy days across the globe. In the month of Shawwal, this is marked as the one day on which fasting is not allowed for Muslims. Generally, this Eid has some particular salat or prayers which are made of two units known as rakats.

These prayers are meant for performing in large groups mainly in a large hall or open ground. But this might not be possible this time, as the medical pandemic of coronavirus has forced us to follow the social distancing. The social distancing will slow down the spread of this virus.

However, this time, we can pray to Allah with our family in our homes. I hope Allah will listen to our prayers and help us to fight against these COVID-19 things as soon as possible. (Also check: Eid ul-Fitr 2020: Date Time of Moon Sighting.)

Other than breaking the fast, the festival includes doing charity for the needy and social gatherings. Some people also gift each other and delicious meals are a part of most of the festivals worldwide.

Happy Eid-ul-Fitr 2020: Images with Quotes, Wishes, Eid-al-Fitr Greetings, Messages, Whatsapp Status

When I was on my Ladakh Bike Trip 2018, one of our bikes stopped working and we searched for mechanic a few kilometers away from Srinagar, Kashmir. That was the last day of Ramzan of 2018.

In the evening with the sighting of the moon the owner of the shop-bought juices for our group of seven riders and his workers. The man was so kind-hearted and pure Muslims, he even gave us a discount on the bill as it was the holy day of Eid 2018.

With this, we have collected some unique Eid Mubarak Images with Quotes and Wishes to share them on social media. This collection will be best for setting as you Whatsapp status to spread positivity among friends and loved ones.

If you came here searching for text-based Eid Mubarak Wishes, Quotes, Messages, and Whatsapp Status then scroll down.

Happy Eid-ul-Fitr 2020: Images with Quotes, Wishes, Eid-al-Fitr Greetings, Messages, Whatsapp Status

Happy Eid-ul-Fitr 2020: Images with Quotes, Wishes, Eid-al-Fitr Greetings, Messages, Whatsapp Status

Happy Eid-ul-Fitr 2020: Images with Quotes, Wishes, Eid-al-Fitr Greetings, Messages, Whatsapp Status

Happy Eid-ul-Fitr 2020: Images with Quotes, Wishes, Eid-al-Fitr Greetings, Messages, Whatsapp Status

Happy Eid-ul-Fitr 2020: Images with Quotes, Wishes, Eid-al-Fitr Greetings, Messages, Whatsapp Status

Happy Eid-ul-Fitr 2020: Images with Quotes, Wishes, Eid-al-Fitr Greetings, Messages, Whatsapp Status

Happy Eid-ul-Fitr 2020: Images with Quotes, Wishes, Eid-al-Fitr Greetings, Messages, Whatsapp Status

Happy Eid-ul-Fitr 2020: Images with Quotes, Wishes, Eid-al-Fitr Greetings, Messages, Whatsapp Status

Happy Eid-ul-Fitr 2020: Images with Quotes, Wishes, Eid-al-Fitr Greetings, Messages, Whatsapp Status

Happy Eid al Fitr 2020 Wishes: Eid Mubarak Quotes, Greetings, Eid ul Fitr Messages, Status

  1. This is a day to cheer and to chuckle with your entire being. It’s a day to be thankful to Allah for the entirety of his wonderful favors on us. Wishing you a happy Eid.
  2. Eid Mubarak! Hold onto the second and be happy. Since almost no one is expected to satisfy a life, it’s everything inside yourself and your perspective.
  3. May your plate of life is always full Of sweet Seviyan, topped with the nuts of happiness!
    A very happy Eid ul-Fitr to you!
  4. Siblings and sisters, loved ones, Eid Mubarak to all of you. In all seriousness, the Almighty makes our lives wonderful and our battles significant.
  5. صدا ہنستے رہو جیسے ہنستے ہیں پھول
    دنیا کے سارے غم تمہیں جاے بھول

    چاروں طرف خوشیوں کے گیت
    اسی اُمید کے ساتھ یار تمہیں
    مبارک ہو عید

  6. With a unique delight in my heart, I wish all of you a favored Eid Mubarak. May the Almighty assistance all of us become righteous people.
  7. For whatever time allotment that you keep trust in Allah, no mischievousness can contact your heart and no misery can destroy your day. May your life be stacked up with rapture and ecstasy on this Eid!
  8. Fight in the cause of God against those who fight you, but do not transgress limits. God does not love transgressors. [2:190].
  9. Incredible food, extraordinary sidekicks, and extraordinary giggles. I’m perky paying little mind to what happens or what changes en route. Happy Eid!
  10. This day is sharing of satisfaction, minding of individuals, and doing a touch of a bonus for somebody. Happy Eid Mubarak 2020 wishes to you and your family!
  11. The endowment of adoration. The endowment of harmony. The endowment of satisfaction. May all these be yours on this Mubarak day of blessed Eid al-Fitr. Happy Eid Mubarak 2020 wishes to you!
  12. On this glad event
    May Allah favor
    you with satisfaction and effortlessness
    your home with warmth and pace
  13. I wish you and your family an upbeat Eid. May Allah acknowledge every one of your supplications and pardon every one of your flaws. Eid Mubarak!

Stay tuned with TCD! for more news.

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Amit Sharma
I'm an entertainment lover, traveler and loves to read and write on latest news and stories across the globe. I've 6 years of journalism experience and currently settled with The Courier Daily (TCD) as a full time journalist and content writer.


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