Emma Watson posted black pictures on her Instagram account claiming herself an activist supporting Black Lives Matter. But, people on social media didn’t appreciate her action much. It’s because they say why was she absent for five long days since the protests in the US are going on.
Social networks, especially, Twitterati have accused her of not taking a stand at the right moment. The Harry Potter star has come late in the protests against racial discrimination. She had been absent in such a critical time in the history of the United States. The protests were sparked when a black man, George Floyd was killed by a white Police officer.
Several celebrities have taken part in the protests in one or another way. Some have silently supported it while some took to their social media handles. The recent example is of Seth Rogen who posted a photo on Instagram supporting black lives matter with a caption – “If this is a remotely controversial statement to you, feel free to unfollow me.”
Some fans may or may not have unfollowed Rogen, but it did attract a lot of eyeballs. And many of them came to write what they feel. In response, he replied and asked them to F*ck Off.
Read: Seth Rogen Says F*CK OFF To Instagram Followers Who Have Issues With ‘Black Lives Matter’ Post
Watson has faced backlash as she didn’t use her platform to share rightful information like a demonstration, donation links, support for equality, and especially for the black people at this high time. She posted three black squares with a white border around them and three squares.
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#blackouttuesday #theshowmustbepaused #amplifymelanatedvoices #amplifyblackvoices
In doing so, Harry Potter’s Hermione participated in the Black Out Tuesday movement. Along with the photos, she also posted some of the trending hashtags like #BlackOutTuesday #BlackLivesMatter #TheShowMustBePaused #AmplifyBlackVoice among others.
The social media users pointed out the issues in the pictures which the Harry Potter star shared. According to them, she should have a complete contribution to the campaign otherwise she need not have any. Users were having issues as she didn’t make use of her platform to share the required information.
It’s clear that the fans want her to do more than just posting pictures. They want her to speak up in solidarity and support.
emma watson really posted three other blank black pics so it wouldn’t ruin her aesthetic i- pic.twitter.com/uSOdQCQ1li
— victoire (@siriusclaw) June 2, 2020
emma watson, a human rights activist, posting a black square on instagram rather than posting links to petitions and donation pages. she would have been better off staying quiet pic.twitter.com/C49iKNooQW
— jessie (@grangerslight) June 2, 2020