Kaisi Yeh Yaariyaan 4th November 2015 – MTV India

Kaisi Yeh Yaariyaan 4th November 2015: In today’s episode, A guy appeared in the show and asked Mukti and Naviya to given him her son. But Naviya resisted to give him and said that she would not give him to anyone at any cost. They request her to give him, but she is not ready to listen to anyone.

From this Naviya got angry and Mukti asked her to go inside and said that she will talk to them. Mukti then added that if they want the son then they have to pass a test and if they get passed in the same then they would think for the adoption. (check: WWE India 2016 Live Event dates.)

Manik and Nandini were walking at the spot where the topic of Naviya’s son abir started. Manik said that he had been here after a long time. Nandini’s uncle was shocked to see Manik and then they started talking. Rishab spoke to Manik and asked him how this happened. Then Nandini’s uncle explained the whole incident.

Kaisi Yeh Yaariyaan 4th November 2015

Mukti tried to talk Naviya about the adoption of Abir, but Naviya was not want to give them and also added that she don’t have any trust on anyone and could not give her son to anyone. Mukti said that Abir deserves better life which anyone from them could not give, it will be best for him to gave them.

Manik and Nandini were tensely walking in the hall and everyone staring Manik which made him annoying and Nandini asked him that he was okay or not. They walked larger distance and Manik observed two boys interested in the performance of fab 5 with Maddy and after knowing this he got angry then suddenly he looked at the fab 5 with Madhiam.

Harshad came and he said Manik that the new fab 5 posters look so good. He further asked him how he was feeling after being replaced. He added that his friends choose Maddy in place of him. After hearing this Manik got angry stood to leave. Harshad stopped him and asked that how he felt to be out of the band. He added that Manik’s position was totally gone and then Manik in anger torn the poster.

Kaisi Yeh Yaariyaan 4th November 2015
Kaisi Yeh Yaariyaan 4th November 2015

Manik walked in anger and Nandhani followed him and said that he know very well about Harshad. But Manik replied that she thought what he said was wrong. Manik and Nandhani conversation kept on going then suddenly Maddy joined the talk. He said that he know that he got to know very much about him. Maddy added that he know how it felt to be replaced. But then his friends came and wants him to perform. Manik got angry while looking at Nandini then he asked Maddy to leave the space. But he replied that he want to talk Nandhani about their friendship relation.

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Amit Sharma
I'm an entertainment lover, traveler and loves to read and write on latest news and stories across the globe. I've 6 years of journalism experience and currently settled with The Courier Daily (TCD) as a full time journalist and content writer.


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