Kumkum Bhagya 30th December 2015: Kumkum Bhagya is putting audiences to edges of their chairs with each passing episode, the exhilaration quotient rose in today’s episode when after the yesterday’s episodes dream sequence, Pragya finally decided to reveal the truth behind all drama to Abhi, which is actually aimed at finding the right clues to expose Aliya and Tanu.
also read: Ram And Sita Saw Each Other First Time, Siya Ke Ram.
Kumkum Bhagya 30th December 2015
Pragya in the morning is dressing up as Fuggi, as he was leaving to see injured Bulbul at the hospital, Pragya tries to call him, asking him to listen to her, he tells her she is a cheater hence, he does not want to listen to her, she instead asks him to turn back and look at her, Abhi asks her what would happen if he looks back, to which she replies he will see a magic. Abhi refuses to look back saying that if he does he is going to have an unfortunate day.
Abhi in the hospital is consoling Sarla and telling her to be calm and not to worry. Meanwhile, Tanu calls him calling him back home, on the matter of discussing Papers for property and their marriage. As the two are talking in Tanu’s room Pragya is overhearing their conversations from outside.
also read: No One Wants to Listen Ishita, Yeh Hai Mohabbatein.
Tanu was pressurising Abhi to Marry him and not just that, along with this he should throw Pragya out of the house as she is potentially capable of creating another drama in future and also may return back as Fuggi to make space for herself in the house.

Abhi inelastically tells her that he is not going to trust Pragya no matter what looks she takes to get him back.
While, Dadi catches Pragya in Fuggi’s look secretly listening to their conversation, she asked him what she was doing there. To which she replies that she can bear this pain no more can she torture her husband like this.