Legends of Tomorrow Season 2 Episode 16 Spoilers, Air Date, Promo: The new episode of Legends Of Tomorrow is all set to give some serious entertainment for the viewers. With only one segment left of this season, the hopes of fans are very high. In episode16 of season 2, we will be going to see “Doomworld” which is also commonly known as the darkest timeline.
Now let’s have a look at the synopsis of this chapter-“After obtaining the Spear of Destiny, the Legion of Doom rewrites reality, leaving the Legends changed, perhaps forever. Frightfully, the Legends’ and the world’s hopes rest with Rory (Dominic Purcell), but being the “hero” is not easy for him.
Legends of Tomorrow Season 2 Episode 16 Spoilers, Air Date, Promo
Meanwhile, there is tension within the Legion of Doom and the reason why the Spear of Destiny needs to be destroyed is revealed.” The ep 16 “Doomworld” is directed by Mairzee Almas and it is written by Ray Utarnachitt & Sarah Hernandez. This is the second last episode of this season. The trailer of this episode teases the new reality and a lot is going to change.
Check: The Flash Season 3 Episode 18.
It will be very fun to see how Mick Rory manages this as the future of the team depends on him and he is that kind of the guy who does not depend on anything. Being the most entertaining and interesting guy of the show, it will be too amusing to see him when responsibilities will be given to him regarding the darkest timeline. For sure we want to see him getting success but will he be able to get on the way as we expect?

Whatever is going to happen in this segment, it is going to lead us to the most awaited finale of the season. Some big reaction from the fan base is expected. Being the show full of thrill, the 2×16 will prove the milestone.
The promo of this episode left us with one question- Is Mick Rory with Snart and the Legion now? This may be the reason that it is hard to count on Rory for some changes. But being the storyline going so dramatic, the promo proved to be a real fun.
So what do you think that the team will be able to destroy the Spear? To have this question answer, episode 16 is waiting for us!