Naagin 6th March 2016: The episode begins with Sesha watches Ankush taking Sangram in his car forcefully and wonder about whom Ankush took along? Shivanya thinking Sesha telling about her mang teeka given to her mother by Panchner;’s raja and the peculiar mark on Rithik’s neck and relating his connection to nagmani.
Check: Yeh Hai Mohabbatein.
Shivanya asks Rithik about the tattoo but he spins the topic and joking. She explains that is connected to nagmani and one possessing it must have lots of wealth and peace. He adores her saying you are my wealth and can sacrifice numbers of nagmani for her. she wonders he’s so innocent and isn’t aware of nagmani.
Yamini informs Ankush only Rithik can access to nagmani as he’s Panchner’s prince and starts her drama as Rithik enters telling her him being prince and protector of nagmani, which Naagin wants to possess.
Shivanya hears Rhithik promising Yamini to bring nagmani to her and gets angry thinking Rithik lied to her and thinks he might not be behind her parent’s murder. Rithik tells everything about what he promised to mom dad.
Naagin 6th March 2016 Written Updates
Yamini yells at Sangram kept in the jungle by Ankush for making her betray her brother, her brother had a huge dynasty, but she bring him to beg. She pushes Sangram from continuing her emotional blackmailing. Ankush asks why she killed her brother, she replies now he’s of no use we have Rithik who can access to nagmani.
Sesha informs Shivanya that Rithik is supposed to die to protect nagmani but Shivanya requests her not to kill him instead she’ll just give him a mild poison which will uncnscious him for 18 hrs. and he won’t be able to get nagmani.
Also Read: Maha Shivratri SMS and Images.
Shiavany fails to bie Rithik lying on the sofa and falls down, Rithik sess her fallen down taunts at her. Shivanya is worried how she couldn’t touch her? Rithik informs her about guruma’s ring he’d wearing so that nagin cannot touch him.
Yamini asks buyers to keep 800 crores ready for nagmani. Sesha and Shivanya try to stop Rithik and Ankush reeaching to nagmani by a tornado but fails. Then throwa boulders but Rithik stops and walks into the jungle. Sesha turns into Yamini Shivanya gripping her and Yamini pleads to savwe her.
Ankush senses the ill will and says Yamini had the ring they are nagin and runs. Rithil enters the cave and watches nagmani. Bhairavnath praying for saftey of nagin sees Rithik trying to pick nagmnai and prays Shivaji to help. Both nagins watching everything helplessly hidden and then % face snake apprears to protect nagmani.
Rithik successfuly picks nagmani, shivaji didn’t bite him seeing his tattoo, every gets shocked what a miracle happened. Rithik gives nagmai to Yamini at home, she hugs him and prays for his long life but thinking he’ll die like his father.
Sesha, Shivanya and gurudev walking in jungle worried about nagmani watches an injured man on a tree. They get him and finds he exactly looks like and have the same tatto. Shivanya tells he must be Rithik’s real father.