Noragami anime series first released in 2014, based on a manga of the same name created by Adachitoka. The series follows a stray god Yato, who is determined to be worshipped by millions of people.
Since the conclusion of season two in 2016, the fans have been waiting for an announcement of season three. However, after the release of the second season, new volumes in the manga were released. It gave us a ray of hope for another season. Let’s find out if we will ever get to see Yato achieve his dream?
Is there Noragami season 3?
After season two concluded, no official announcement was made regarding the third season. Since the 20th volume of the manga was released in 2019, there are hopes of another season happening soon. We might see another season by 2021. However, it is not official as there has been no announcement yet.
Who is in Noragami season 3 cast?
We are hoping to see some of the same voice cast in season three of Japanese version like Maaya Uchida as Hiyori Iko, Hiroshi Kamiya as Yato, Rie Kugimaya as Nora and Yuji Kaji as Yukine
In the English version of the series, we hope to see Bryn Apprill as Hiyori Iko, Jason Liebrecht as Yato, Lauren Landa as Nora, and Micah Solusod as Yukine.
Noragami Plot: What is the anime series about?
The anime series follows a stray god Yato who wants to be known by millions of worshippers. His dream is to build a temple of his name. To do so, he works odd jobs and takes 5 yen as his fee. He tries saving money to build a temple.
Meanwhile, Hiyori Iki, a middle school girl, saves a stranger from dying in an accident. While doing so, she injures herself, which leads to her soul slipping in and out of her body. It results in her knowing the two realms of the universe.
One is Near Shore, where the average human and animals reside, and the other is the Far Shore, where the demons and the human souls wander. She meets a strange god without a shrine named Yato. She asks him to help her get back to normal because her soul keeps slipping out of her body.
Hiyori also becomes friends with Yato’s Regalia, Yukine. The trio goes on many adventures and challenges throughout the series.
What is Noragami season 3 about? Plot
Season three may show us more about the dark past Yato has. It will be interesting to see if Yato manages to keep the promise he made to Ebisu. This time the relationship between Yato and his father may be highlighted. Yato will continue to work towards his goal.
Meanwhile, he doesn’t know Nora is seeking revenge. Nora is his previous regalia. Unaware of her dangerous side, Yato has made an enemy.
Meanwhile, Ebisu, who was the God of Fortunes, was using Phantom to improve the world because of which the other gods decided to kill him. Yukine helped Yato become the next God of Fortune. It will be interesting to see how Yato takes that responsibility.
We may find answers to most of our long-awaited questions. Will Yato be worshipped? Will Hiyori get her life back to normal? Guess only time will tell. (check: Hotel Transylvania 4.)
Where to watch/stream Noragami anime?
The English dubbed show is available on Funimation and Crunchyroll. There is also a dubbed and subbed version available on Hulu. (check: DanMachi Season 3.)
How many episodes are there in Noragami season 3?
The show will likely have around 10-13 episodes, and the runtime will be approximately 24 minutes. However, we will update you as soon as an announcement is made. Keep an eye out on this page for more information.