Shashi Kapoor passes away: The great veteran actor and producer passed away on Monday in Mumbai at the age of 79. On Sunday, the actor was admitted to Kokilaben Ambani Hospital in Andheri for the treatment of chest infection. The condition started to become worse from the year 2014 after a bypass surgery.
The actor Randhir Kapoor who is the nephew of the veteran star give the news to the sources. He said,”Shashi Kapoor passed away at 5.15 pm. We all very sad about it. He had kidney problems.”
Shashi Kapoor passes away
The son of Prithviraj Kapoor was depended on his daughter Sanjana Kapoor and two sons Kunal and Karan. He started his acting career with the release of film Dharamputra. He appeared in 116 Bollywood movies. The Government of India in 2011 honoured him the Padma Bhushan award.
The brother of Raj Kapoor and Shammi Kapoor also got the Dadasaheb Phalke Award which made him the third member of Kapoor ancestor to receive this honour. Prithviraj Kapoor and Raj Kapoor were also honoured with the same award before him.
His wife Jennifer Kendal and him started the Prithvi Theatre, Mumbai in November 1978. Unfortunately, Jennifer died in 1984 because of cancer.
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