The Pantless Shovel Guy

Earlier were the times when it took days for a new to reach to the people, but since the widespread use of the social media, even a “no news” becomes a news and a talk of the town and these days across the globe. this kook is being mocked around throughout the world, which he might not be aware of.

These days an internet furore is a “Pantless Shovel guy” (an old age man wearing a blue t-shirt and chequered underwear and holding a shovel in his hands) as he is famously coming to be known. well, his real name has not yet been disclosed by the officials.
this shovel guy as reported by France’s local report is a property owner in the southwestern town of Audon.

He came in the news when members of french environment protection organization LPO (La Ligue Pour La Protection des Oiseaux)

The Pantless Shovel Guy
The Pantless Shovel Guy

when Monday the Members of the French environmental protection organization LPO (La Ligue pour la Protection des Oiseaux) along with some journalists had gathered to lambast the illegal slaughter of a protected finch species.

As the President of the Bird protection league, Allain Bougrain-Dubourg was dismantling the traps the shovel guy had set up to trap Flinches to nosh on to them. suddenly Allain was attacked by a man pantless guy with a swinging shovel who came running out of his home. as a protests against them for not touching his farm. allegations are the guy in his underwear he tried to insult, attack and steal the camera equipment from both the activists and the journalists for about 15 minutes until the police arrived.

A series of the images of the incident on social media were shared by LPO itself.(Photographs have been taken by the photographer Gaizka Iroz for AFP), These images put twitterati’s on their work, where they came up with numerous hilarious stories over the pantless shovel guy.

it wasn’t late, when the images of the Shovel man even though from a serious situation were being Photoshopped as the hilarious one, predominantly because of his outfit or probably lack of the outfit. Thousands online have been raving over one image, in particular, of the pantless farmer brandishing his shovel while staring straight into the camera’s lens.

The twitter illustrations of the meme version of the man as follows:

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