Valentine Week List 2016: Propose Day, Chocolate Day | Complete List Of Valentine Week Days Names Schedule

Valentine Week List 2016: Propose Day, Chocolate Day | Complete List Of Valentine Week Days Names Schedule

Finally, the most awaited and celebrated days of the year are back. The love week or the expression of love days are on its way. It’s time for most awaited week for the  couples and love birds around all over the globe, all in a hope that they celebrate this Valentine’s day with their love and people who are the single dream of getting a partner. Almost every one of us wants and has a need to be loved. Love is infinity. It is multi-dimensional. It is the most powerful force on earth. Love my vary from that of a mother and child, husband and wife, between friends etc. It is said that Love will find its own way.

The Valentines Week, Check For The Dates And Days, greetings

Valentine Week List 2016

Cupid is the love symbol for the day. A small angle like a child having wings on his back and having infinite love arrows. He uses his bow and arrows to target people who are wanting love or are in need of love. It is said that his love arrows have the power to attract people and brings individuals close to each other.

The Valentines Week, Check For The Dates And Days, greetings,valentine-day-messages-greetings

The Valentines Week, Greetings And Dates:

The Valentines Week, Check For The Dates And Days, greetings
Cupid is in favor of all young couples. College going couples are screaming out loud to propose their love. As we all wait for this special date sheet for this week, here is complete Valentine’s date sheet 2016 that is.

The Valentines Week, Check For The Dates And Days, greetings,valentine-day-messages-greetings

Valentine Week List 2016 – Valentines 2016 Schedule

Rose Day – 7th February
Propose Day – 8th February
Chocolate Day – 9th February
Teddy Day – 10th February
Promise Day – 11th February
Hug Day – 12th February
Kiss Day – 13th February
Valentine’s Day – 14th February.

The Valentines Week, Check For The Dates And Days, greetings

Each day has its own significance and has its own essence and thus arousing lots and lots of emotions.

Before the main day i.e valentine day there are no. Of days. It is just like ladder and steps that one has to follow.

Like on Rose day, you may express your love for the one you want to say by presenting him or her with a fresh Red Rose. This rose is not necessarily to be given to your love but you may gift it to your girlfriend, wife, you fiancee

A teddy on Teddy day….. A big or a small cute, soft and fluffy teddy. Moreover, there is no other better day than to Propose your love on  Propose day.

valentines week datesheet
You must express your feelings in any way by saying or by presenting them with chocolates or for that matter a big hug as a lovely gesture. Yes, it is a time to embrace these lovely moments with your love on the very first occasion of Valentine’s Day…

The Valentines Week, Check For The Dates And Days, greetings,valentine-day-messages-greetings

TCD Wishes you all a very happy Valentine’s Day… may your love grow more and more

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