Our world is driven by technology; and it seems like every day there is a new piece of equipment that is driving the way we interact as a society. These last few years have seen an incredible growth in the popularity of online, virtual, and remote events.
The difficult things about events which are centred around online or remote platforms is that it can become difficult to measure the success or performance of the event itself. In this article we are going to look into eight different ways to measure and understand the performance, success, and return on investment that a virtual event brings.
8 Different Ways to Measure Virtual Event Performance and Return on Investment
1: Event Registrations
Jessica Rose, a lifestyle writer at Subjecto and Write My Essay, noted, “The most obvious way to start checking how well your event is taking traction right from the word go is to have a look at how many event registrations you get.”
This is probably the most basic tactic you can employ and although it does show you how much initial interest there was in the event; it might not actually measure how many people actually turned up or engaged during the event. However, this is a good starting place to understand how initially attractive your event was to the wider population.
2: Attendee Engagement
Let’s think about what your aim for the event you are organizing actually is. It will not simply be to get registrations or even just to get people to attend and listen. It is all about how engaged and excited your audience is by what they actually hear. It is important to make audience engagement the forefront and most important attribute of the event. There are lots of ways to measure engagement during and after the event has taken place.
3: Attendee Retention
The likelihood of your event being a one-time thing that needs no return on investment is very slim. Return on investment will allow you to continue with the goals that the event centres around, hold new and different events, and even just simply finance this one. Retention of attendees is crucial to this.
Theo Ridley, a business writer at Top essay writing services and Revieweal, commented that, “If your attendees are engaged in this event, they will be more likely to come to the next one or engage with your organisation in the future.” There are lots of ways you can understand how positive your retention is after an event.
4: Online Visits
Online visits is one of the most commonly thought of KPI’s when we are thinking about virtual events. If there is an event website it is important to keep a track of the analytics related to website visitation and overall online engagement.
5: App Visits
With the progression and use of technology improving and expanding every day, apps are becoming common pairings with events. Just like online visitation analytics, apps can be analysed just the same. Apps are a handy and efficient way to get people on board with your event.
6: Feedback Forms and Surveys
This is an old school one, but always seems to gather the right information. Emailing out a feedback form and sending out a survey link through text or on the app will allow those who attended your event to get connected with your event post-event.
7: Social media metrics
Analytics can be used on social media in a similar way as it can be used on online and app platforms. Social media channels can be used as a marketing and engagement tool. The amount of people that you reach on social media will have a positive effect on your revenue and the popularity of your event.
8: Revenue generated
At the end of the day, the majority of purpose and reason for an event being created (even a virtual one), is to curate revenue. Money makes the world go around, as the saying goes!
The revenue that is made from the virtual event will allow you to create new events, popularize your business or mission, and move forward with your purpose as a whole. The revenue that you generate will not be the ‘be all and end all’, but it is a large KPI to keep in mind when you are measuring performance of a virtual event.
About the Author:
Madeline Miller is a online digital marketer and chief editor at Best essay writing services and Assignment writing services reviews. She assists companies in their marketing strategy concepts, and contributes to numerous sites and publications. Madeline also contributes her work to Top Canadian Writers.