The US President Donald Trump has delivered his remarks on the growing protests demanding justice for George Floyd, a black man. He had to come up publically and speak as the protests have been getting more and more violent.
While delivering the speech, Trump presented himself as “your president of law and order” on Monday. His words stand completely contrast as the police used tear gas and flash bangs to disperse the peaceful protesters just outside the White House.
The enraged Trump hinted that he would take every possible measure which would ensure putting an end to nationwide looting. He has already asked the Mayors to take strict actions.
From Rose Garden, Trump made his stand clear by saying that he was committed to upholding laws. In order to do so, he said he would mobilize the army/military resources.
While delivering his remarks in view of the protests, Trump said that defending America and American people is his first and highest duty as the president. Adding to it, he said that he has sworn an oath to uphold the laws of the nation, and he will do the same.
Coming to George Floyd, the president said that justice would be served for Floyd. He, the unarmed black man was brutally murdered bya white police officer by pinning him to the ground and putting his knee on his neck for about nine minutes.
During his speech, Donald Trump declared himself as an ally of all peaceful protestors. But, strikingly, he also mentioned that he won’t step back from exercising all of his presidential powers to ensure violent protests end.
He clearly mentioned that he won’t restrict himself from deploying thousands and thousands of heavily armed soldiers, military personnel, and law enforcement officers to bring order once and for all.
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Before Trump’s scheduled time to address the citizens, protestors reached and started gathering outside the White House gates. Along with it, guessing to cope up with the brewing situation, a large convoy of military vehicles came through the complex and onto Pennsylvania Avenue.
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President Trump came in public view neither on Sunday nor on Monday. It may be because his allies deliberately told him how to address protests. A big proportion of his allies got frustrated as he took so much of time. His absence felt sort of silence for them from the White House.
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Trump took a long time to address the nation and making any formal appeals for unity.