Elijah McClain was an innocent 23-year-old boy who was murder during his short walk from the gas station to home on August 24, 2019. The police got a 911 call about a suspicious man wearing a ski mask.
McClain was wearing the mask because he was anemic patient and he was protecting himself from cold, according to Chaosandcomrades.com. People and the police consider black men wearing a mask as suspicious which leads to danger for many black lives.
Vickie Mays, professor at UCLA’s Fielding School of Public Health told STAT, “The first assumption wasn’t these are people protecting themselves and others around them from the virus, it was the assumption of stealing or some ill will. There is a quick judgment of what Black men are ‘up to.’”
Elijah McClain Full Video: Murdered by police after wearing Ski mask due to his health condition
Here is the video of body cam which clearly shows the incident of Elijah McClain,
Here are some tweets showing the same,
The police, paramedics and coroner are all in it together, this is one of the scariest things I’ve ever seen😭#ElijahMcClainWasMurdered pic.twitter.com/BWMPRnmv5z
— RoximusMaximus🏴 (@RoximusM) June 24, 2020
Here’s the video which shows saying him “I can’t breathe”,
Elijah McClain was a beautiful, gentle, introverted soul who played violin for stray cats. He was unarmed when cops attacked him for no good reason and MURDERED HIM OVER A YEAR AGO. He deserves justice.
Say his name.#ElijahMcClainWasMurderedpic.twitter.com/vbC5JZ3acg
— BrooklynDad_Defiant! (@mmpadellan) June 24, 2020
According to an article on washingtonpost.com, In 2019, the police killed more than 1000 people in the United States. Out of them, 23% were black people.
A study of the Ruderman Family Foundation revealed that 50% of people killed by police have some mental illness or disability. The list of those includes Sandra Bland, Eric Garner, Baltimore, Tanisha Anderson, and George Floyd.
Note: the story is being developed.
Stay tuned with TheCourierDaity (TCD!) for more news.