The digital world is constantly changing how people work. For example, writers now have access to dozens of fonts to design book covers, flyers and press releases without having to rely on a print company anymore. There are also many apps now available that can help make the writing process more efficient and accurate.
While the process of writing hasn’t changed dramatically, it is now easier in many ways. Here is a helpful list of apps that makes it easier for writers of all types to polish and send their work.
Submit Work Quickly
When you’re working to complete a manuscript on time or entering a writing contest during its last few days, you don’t need to rush to the copy store to print your manuscript and mail it. You may have also encountered the problem of not being able to send large files through traditional email as well. Instead of relying on these methods, now you can fax in your submissions when it’s down to the wire – without a fax machine.
There are many services online that allow you to fax information to your destination online, but few let you receive faxes to a personal account. One app that does is eFax, an online fax service that you can use to send and receive information.
Even if you don’t have a fax machine, faxes can be sent or received to your online eFax account or to an email or Gmail account. You can even go through Google Fax to use the service.
Tidy Up Your Writing
While writers are better at spelling and grammar than most people, nobody is perfect. If you want to catch grammar mistakes you’ve made before sending out your manuscript, download Grammarly to your iPhone or Android smartphone.
The Grammarly app can help you come up with alternative words, so that your writing doesn’t sound redundant, and it will catch passive language mistakes. You can check for spelling or punctuation mistakes after you’ve completed an article, or it will catch them as you write.
Download Agent Advice
Do you sometimes wonder what an agent would say about your writing or what advice they would give you if they had a chance to read it? Well, wonder no more. By downloading the Agent Obvious app, you can get tips from at least one agent.
This idea for this app came from the Twitter feed of writer Laurie Abkemeier who is a literary agent. It provides more than 500 tips from both the Twitter feed “Tip of the Day” and new tips they add to it every day.
This app, like most on this list, is free. You will also find advice for editors and new agents as well as writers.
Organize Your Book
Story maps are great for organizing your characters, plotlines, and chapters for a book. It lets you keep track of what you’ve already written, are writing, or you can write down ideas that pop into your head while working on another plot.
Instead of buying different colors of notecards to plot stories, use the app called Coggle. It allows you to keep the information writers would normally jot down on sticky notes on the app and color codes them for you. Instead of wasting time handwriting them, use that time to expand on your ideas.
Along with story maps, the app allows you to create flow charts and stores private diagrams too.
If you’re a writer who can never find their notes or needs help sending their work to agents or editors quickly, get these apps to ease your workload. Everything will be at your fingertips whether it’s on your desktop, laptop, or your smartphone.