Justice For Robert Fuller: Body found hanging from tree in Palmdale, California

Justice For Robert Fuller: Body found hanging from tree in Palmdale

On Wednesday, a man was found hanging from a tree near Palmdale City Hall as per the authorities’ report. He has been identified as Robert Fuller by his family.

On June 10, the 20-year-old man was first seen hanging with a rope from a tree in Poncitlan Square at around 4 am.

Lt. Brandon Dean of the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Homicide Bureau Department confirmed the details.

Dean said that everything hints toward suicide, but the death cause will be confirmed once full autopsy reports are available. The report will also look up for the man’s past mental issues.

On Thursday, Palmdale City authorities stated in an official statement, “sincere condolences and sympathies to the family and friends of the individual who tragically passed away in Palmdale… Our thoughts and prayers are with them.”

“Sadly, it is not the first such incident since the COVID-19 pandemic began,” officials also added.

But the hashtag, #JusticeForRobertFuller is trending on twitter as people are not considering this as suicide, they are hinting towards something suspicious about the incident.

But there is no evidence available for the confirmation of this claim.

Note: If you believe you have something valuable to share about the incident then please mail the information at “thecourierdaily@gmail.com”

After analyzing some tweets with #JusticeForRoberFuller, people are saying that police are distracting everyone by relating to COVID-19 and mental illness.

They also said that everybody is united in George Floyd’s protest to remove police brutality and racism but this type of case is increasing where police are considering them as suicide.

Apart from this, the citizens are also saying it as ‘lynching’.

Here are some tweets showing this,

JJ Murphy, City Manager said, “Many people are suffering extreme mental anguish and the city wants everyone to know that help is available.”

“There are local resources such as Mental Health America of Los Angeles, AV Vet Center, and the Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health.”

If you want to donate to Robert Fuller’s burial then visit:


Note: The story is being developed, so, stay tuned with TheCourierDaily (TCD!) for more news.

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Amit Sharma
I'm an entertainment lover, traveler and loves to read and write on latest news and stories across the globe. I've 6 years of journalism experience and currently settled with The Courier Daily (TCD) as a full time journalist and content writer.


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