Black Clover, a one-shot turned serialized issue, created by Yuki Tabata. The Clover Kingdom is situated in a world where everyone is born with Magical capabilities, also called Mana. Two orphans with opposite traits and abilities were left under the care of a Church in Hage.
Asta and Yuno are dual protagonists who don’t share any qualities or magical abilities except for their ambition to become the most powerful Magic Knight. Asta was born without any such powers, and he physically trains to spark that inner magic of his. On the other hand, Yuno is gifted with the talents of using immense magical powers and controlling it.
Yuno receives an exotic four-leaf grimoire on their coming of age ceremony, like the original Magic Emperor. While Asta does not receive any such valuables. After an attack on Yuno, Asta defends him by fighting off the enemy but fails to do so due to his limited training.
Suddenly, with their enemy gaining on him, Asta is given a battered old fife-leaf grimoire, within lies the Devil. And thus starts the harrowing and enchanting tale of two unlikely friends and superior competitors for the Magic Emperor’s throne. Fair warning, there can only be one!
Other Important Characters
Noelle Silva: she is from the Royal House Silva and a member of the Black Bull and the Royal Knight Squad. She holds the rank of 3rd Class Junior, and she’s also known as the Sea Goddess.
Mereoleone Vermillion: she belongs to the Royal House Vermillion. She holds the position of Captain of the Crimson Lion Squad and the temporary Captain of the Royal Knights Squad. Her abilities are Fire magic, and she’s also known as the Uncrowned Undefeated Lioness.
The Conception
Yuki Tabata entered the Golden Future Cup competition and published a one-shot called HUNGRY JOKER, which was published in Weekly Shonen Jump magazine, and ended up winning. The serialization of HUNGRY JOKER failed due to the lack of consistency. With that of the one-shot, and it was canceled in 2013.
After a year, Tabata made a comeback and published another one-shot called BLACK CLOVER, in JUMP NEXT magazine. Weekly Shonen Jump considered its serialization, and thus it began on 16th February 2015, 12th issue of the year.
Taking into consideration his earlier failure, Tabata decided to maintain the main characters’ personalities, design, and basic settings throughout the series. As of today, the series has published 133 Episodes in a total of 20 Volumes. Let’s find out what’s in store for us in the next episode!
Black Clover Episode 134 Preview and Spoilers
We left at the subtle hints of Black Bulls’ continued training under the Mereoleona’s supervision. In the preview for Episode 134, the arrival at a critical and mysterious member of House Vermillion is teased. Conjectures regarding the arrival of Sister Theresa Rapaul are being made.
The need to ‘welcome her with everything we have’ raises many questions about who this personality might be. Our wait will be over soon.
Black Clover Episode 134 Release Date
The release of Episode 133: The Lion Awakens, continued, last week, ended the 2- month hiatus. The wait is over, as the next Episode 134 will be releasing on 14th July 2020. Available free of cost to watch on Crunchyroll, one week after it’s the initial release. You can also buy or pre-order from
Pacific Daylight Time: 03:25 AM PDT, 14TH JULY.
Central Daylight Time: 05:25 AM CDT, 14TH JULY.
Eastern Daylight Time: 06:25 AM EDT, 14TH JULY.
British Summer Time: 11:25 AM BST, 14TH JULY.
Japan Daylight Time: 8:25 PM JDT, 14TH JULY.
Korea Daylight Time: 8:25 PM KDT, 14TH JULY.
Above mentioned as per Crunchyroll.