The Stranger, a British thriller mystery thriller series, showcases the struggle of a family man Adam Price when he discovers his wife’s secret, from an unknown baseball cap-wearing stranger. The series is based on Harlan Coben’s 2015 novel of the same name.
The novel has quite a loyal fan base, who praises Coben regularly about the twist of turn events he portrays in his books. The Stranger is an eight-episode adaptation series, where eventually, every episode ended with suspense, just like the chapters ended on a cliffhanger in the novel.
The Stranger Season 1 Recap
The show starts by showing Adam Price living a happy life with his wife and two sons. Then Adam’s wife suffered a miscarriage, sending Adam in a gloominess world. But then one day, he was confronted by a baseball-capped stranger, revealing many secrets about his family and his wife Corrine’s fake pregnancy.
As he tries to get to the bottom of this issue, trying to find whether everything said is true or not, Corrine goes missing in this quest of truth, and the show pretty much then revolves around it. As the show progresses, we find various earthed truths coming out, giving a shock to everyone whoever related to it.
The Stranger Season 2 Renewal Status
The show’s writer, Harlan Coben, has stated in one of the interviews that the show is expected to be only one season, as almost all the twists and secrets have been revealed in the finale episode. So there is no use of giving a second run to the show. Also, Coben’s other adaptations, like Safe and five, have run for only one installment.
With Coben’s statement and history of his shows, it is almost sure that the show is not going to get renewed for season 2.
But, one should not forget that 13 Reasons Why was also speculated to be only one-off series because the novel on which it was based was fully adapted, leaving no material for season two. But now we could see that the show is gearing up for his fourth and final installment.
So, maybe shortly, Netflix would adhere to the fan demand and start production for season two.
The Stranger Season 2 Release Date
As per sources, till this time, there is no news on release for season 2. Netflix is still analyzing the prospects of releasing it for installment two, as the show released with the aim of only one installment and wrap. Netflix has also released the new seasons of the shows for which there was no intention of releasing them earlier.
So, the timeline gap between most of the shows of Netflix is approximately one year, considering that in mind, the release date for season two can be near February 2021.
And if the pandemic continues to rise, like it is now, then the release date could escalate further to May 2021.
These all are just guesswork, and no confirmed updates have been obtained from the sources.
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The Stranger Season 2 Cast
If the second installment goes on the floor, then it was almost sure that Adam Price and The Stranger’s titular role would be reprised by Richard Armitage and Hannah John-Kamen, respectively.
But, if spin-off happens in the upcoming season, we could see new characters playing the younger version of Adam and Stranger.
In the finale, it was revealed that Stranger is none other than Adam’s sister, so the part of their childhood will be a part of the spin-off.
If the spin-off doesn’t happen, Siobhan Finneran will reprise her role as DS Johanna Griffin, investigator of the case. Kadin Kirwan will be expected to reprise her DC Wesley Ross character.
As characters of Jennifer Saunders and Shaun Dooley are dead in the show, so we will not see them in season two.
Jacob Dudman as Thomas Price, the eldest son of Adam Price, and Anthony Head as Edgar Price, father of Adam Price, are expected to revive their respective roles in the second segment.
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The Stranger Season 2 Plot
The first installment ended with Adam shooting his wife’s murderer Doug Tripp in a fit of revenge, and covering up that murder with the help of DS Johanna Griffin, Framing Katz in the murder.
So the second installment could revolve around this secret of Adam, and how he hides or reveals this secret from his two sons, who are still unknown to their father’s deeds, will be the main storyline for the show.
The Stranger season one used most of the material for the show, but in the novel, the secrets were confined to a person and the whole USA. This is the topic that was left unexplored in the first installment and could be used in season two.
It means that the show would expand its horizons from a community to a country, who knows maybe the background could grow to secrets across the FBI, CIA, and various intelligence agencies.
For the time being, we can hope that this pandemic ends as soon as possible so that our favorite shows can start shooting again.