DanMachi is an anime series based on a light novel created by Fujino Omori and illustrated by Suzuhito Yasuda. It is also known as ‘Danjon ni Deai o Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darō ka’ aka ‘Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon’. The series acquired a lot of viewers and was mainly famous for its fantastic action sequence.
The franchise has come with a light novel series, manga, anime show, and a movie as well. All of its creations have been successful. Season two concluded with a possibility of season three, and soon enough the show was renewed for another season.
Let’s find out which volume of the light novel series will be taken and if Bell will come closer to his dream? When will the show release?
DanMachi Plot
The show revolves around a city called Orario, which is a gateway for some mysterious and dangerous underground tunnels, also known as the Dungeon where monsters reside. A group of adventurers called Familias to wander into the Dungeon to kill those monsters, upon successfully doing so they get a crystal which can be used to make a weapon, magical items, or be exchanged for money.
Nonetheless, a boy named Bell Cranel wishes to be one of the greatest adventurers of all. While trying to achieve his dream, he meets a goddess Hestia who then helps Bell gain some magical powers. Bell becomes the sole adventurer of the Hestia Familia and goes on his quest to become the greatest adventurer.
What is the plot of DanMachi season 3?
Season three may be based on the 9, 10, and 11th volumes of the light novel series. We may get to see the Xena Arc, which will include some spectacular fight scenes. This season may uncover some hidden secrets of the dungeons and the mysterious power that lurks in the shadow.
Bell and Hestia will continue their adventures. It is speculated that there might be some new characters and a new villain, though not confirmed yet. (check: Suicide Squad 2 Release Date, Cast, Trailer, Plot & Everything So Far About Film Sequel.)
DanMachi Season 3 Cast
In the Japanese version, we may see Yoshitsugu Matsuoka as Bell Cranel, Inori Minase as Hestia and Saori Oonishi as Aiz Wallenstein.
In the English version of the show, we may see Bryson Baugus as Bell Cranel, Luci Christian as Hestia and Shelley Calene-Black as Ais Wallenstein. (check: You season 3.)
Is there any trailer for DanMachi season 3?
The trailer for season three has been released. You can check it below. The trailer looks promising. Let us know what do you think?
Where to watch/stream DanMachi anime series?
You can stream the show on Crunchyroll and Hulu. There are two seasons in the series, consisting of a total number of 27 episodes. (check: Hotel Transylvania 4.)
DanMachi Season 3 Release Date
DanMachi was renewed for season three in September 2019. The show was set to be released in July 2020. However, it has been delayed until October 2020 due to the Coronavirus. Like many other shows, this show has been affected by the pandemic. Although season three looks promising. The wait may be worth it.
The first and second seasons premiered in April 2015 and July 2019 respectively. The spin-off anime show was released in April 2017.
DanMachi English Dub
You can watch/stream the English dubbed episodes of DanMachi on Crunchyroll and Hulu as not many sites have undertaken the same responsibility.
Anime Shows Like DanMachi
- Slayers: Follows a teenage sorceress Lina Inverse who goes on adventures with her companions to defeat everything evil from wizards to demons.
- Overlord: Follows a boy who is trapped in a video game. He is the warrior king in the game and tries to find a way out of it.
- The Tower of Druaga: The Aegis of Uruk:- The show revolves around demons residing in the Tower of Draga. During the Summer of Anu, the demons are weakened and the people strong enough to face them, enter the tower to slay the demons.
- Sword Art Online: This show revolves around a player called Kazuto Kirigaya who is trapped in a game. However, the creator of the game informs all trapped players that they will die in real life if they die in the game. Kirito teams up with other players to defeat the game.