What We Do In Shadows is a horror-comedy series produced by FX, based on the mockumentary of the same name. In the movie, the vampires were based in New Zealand. They invited many documentary crew to apprehend their night lives, as daylight is not suitable for vampires.
Whereas the series focuses on vampires who live in Guillermo’s rented accommodation in Staten Island, both the series and the show have one thing in common: Taika Waititi and Jemaine Clement. They both reprise their role in the series too.
The show has taken up a massive fan following starting from season 1. The rating of season two improved compared to season one, which is generally a rarity among these types of shows.
The show has taken up a different perspective to show to viewers about vampires. There are many shows in the past which have shown the vampire’s life. But what makes this show different is the hilarious antics done by the vampires, which was generally not seen earlier.
What We Do In Shadows Season 3: Renewal Status
Seeing the ratings of season 2, FX has announced season 3 of the show, even before the finale episode of season two. The show came out to be one of the highest-rated programs on FX, and season two ultimately achieved the benchmark set up by season one.
So, seeing the popularity among the show’s masses, the creators have already thought of renewing it for season 3, and they announced the news in May 2020 about the season renewal officially.
What We Do In Shadows Season 2: Recap
We get to know from season one and season two that Guillermo is a vampire slayer sent to assassin his vampire friends (Nandor, Laszlo, and Nadja). He persistently pursued Nandro to convert him into a vampire. But he realizes it later that he’s a descendant of Van Helsing, a vampire assassin.
At the start of the finale, we witness Guillermo leaving Staten Island, and Nandor, Laszlo, and Nadza heading for the prestigious Vampire Event Nouveau Theatre Des Vampires.
But, later on, they realize that it is a trap set by Vampire council, to punish them for the killing of Baron Afanas(in the first season. On getting the information about his friends, Guillermo heads towards the location, killing almost every vampire who came in his way.
When the cat came out of the bag, seeing all this Nandor, Laszlo, and Nadja came to know that their friend is a vampire assassin, the secret earlier unknown to them.
What We Do In Shadows Season 3 Release Date
The first two seasons were released in April and May months of the year, so it is speculated that the next season will also come in early spring or summer. The first two installments were ten episodes long, so season three is probably going to be ten episodes long.
If everything had been going normal as earlier it was, the expected release year would have been 2021. But the coronavirus has halted the shooting of every production house, and FX has to wait for this pandemic to end first. Then only, it could think of reviving it for season three.
Considering the pandemic in the scene, we can expect the release date to escalate further later in 2021. As the show requires writing, editing, filming, then post-production, September or October 2021 seems more feasible to release the show.
What We Do In Shadows Season 3 Cast
The character of Guillermo, played by Harvey GuillĂ©n, is going to come back in season 2. The first two segments have seen many killings from Guillermo’s hands, but none of them were central characters.
So, we’re hopeful that Kavyan Novak as Nandor, Matt Berry as Laszlo, Natasha Demetriou as Nadja, and Mark Proksch as Colin Robinson will reprise their roles season three also. (check: Madan no Ou to Vanadis Season 2 Release Date, Cast, Trailer, Episodes, Plot and Everything Else We Know About Anime Series.)
In the finale episode, we saw the vampire council members and observed their essential role in season two. We can expect they will have a more prominent role in season three, unlike previous seasons’.
If this happens, we will get to see Tilda Swinton, Evan Wood, Wesley Snipes, and Danny Trezo in their role as the vampire council members.
What We Do In Shadows Season 3 Plot
The future storyline revolves around the relationship between Guillermo and his vampire friends, as the secret that Guillermo is a vampire killer comes out of the closet. (check: Gone Season 2 Release Date, Cast, Trailer, Plot, Episodes & Everything Else To Know About Upcoming Series.)
Now two options are there for the vampires Nandor, Laszlo, and Nadja. They could either accept Guillermo for saving their lives or ostracize him and take revenge on him for being a vampire slayer.
The possibility of the second event is scarce, as it would not suit the show’s format, which is a horror-comedy. If it had been a mystery thriller, then the second event could have happened in the future.
In the finale episode, we saw Guillermo reaching the location, and saving his friends from the trap set up by the vampire council, killing many of the vampires in his way. It probably would have irked the vampire council members, and they will plan to take revenge on Guillermo.