Vikings Season 6 Release Date: Vikings, the show with its tremendous ratings in season 5 is gonna be return soon with its 6th instalment to entertain you more. The ending of the last instalment gives us a clear indication about the arrival of season 6, which is a fantastic news for all the fans.
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Based upon rumours, it is in the air that this season will contain 20 episodes, similar to 4th instalment which was again a high rated season. It was also in news that those 20 episodes were divided into two parts out of which one part will release at the beginning of the years and the latter one will release at the end of the year. Also according to sources, the production team had already started working on 6th instalment, so you shouldn’t have to wait for a long to catch it.
Vikings Season 6 Release Date
Eli Lehrer, the network executive said that Vikings has creatively sailed to monumental length. The evolution of this story comes from the early raids in London to the heart-stopping death of Ragnar Lothbrok to the fierce battles of the Great Heathen Army. And in this episode, we will learn how the sons of Ragnar will explore and conquer the known world.
Michael Hirst, creator of Vikings says that they are looking forward to continuing their partnership with the greatest writers of this time and deliver 40 new entertaining episodes to their viewers over the two next instalments. Season 5 part 2 of this show is still to air and is supposed to come in 2018. In that case, we can get the 6th instalment may be in 2019, most probably it is in April 2019. Still, we do not have any official trailer, we will keep you posted as soon as it will arrive.
So until the new instalment arrived, take the look of part 2 of season 5. Just after that, we can catch more actions in the 6th instalment. This is all that is known about it so far. So keep in touch for more updates and to know more about other spoilers comment your favourite series in below section. We will definitely keep you posted.
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